Funding Programmes

Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development // Formas


Formas, the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, promotes and supports research and innovation related to Environment, Agricultural Sciences, and Spatial Planning. This is done through several activities, including developing strategies, performing analyses, and conducting evaluations. In addition, Formas provides funding, yearly granting just above 1.8 billion SEK in soft funding for various projects. About one third of this annual funding is distributed via researcher-initiated calls, meaning calls that address certain research needs identified by researchers, whereas the remaining two thirds are either distributed via different targeted calls or dedicated to co-fund research. Projects funded by Formas should be of highest scientific quality. Formas should work actively to support and facilitate that the results from the funded projects are used in society.

Formas also cooperates with other funding organisations in Sweden and globally to implement certain funding programmes or calls. For instance, BioInnovation, a strategic innovation programme related to circular bioeconomy, is financed by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), and Formas, as well as the participating organisations.


At Innovayt, we can help you navigate the Swedish funding landscape and find the funding opportunity that allows you to advance your research and innovation project.

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For more detailed information and latest updates, see Forma’s official website.

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