
Norwegian funding opportunities

Tune in as Cassandra Myhre, Senior Consultant at Innovayt, goes through five key aspects when drafting an application for the Norwegian IPN funding programme.

IPN is short for Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector (in Norwegian, Innovasjonsprosjekt i Næringslivet), a funding programme organised by the Research Council of Norway (Norges Forskningsråd) that encourages Norwegian companies to engage in innovation projects where R&D is a critical part of the process.

Horizon Europe and Innovation Actions

Link to sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Explore the world of Horizon Europe, the European Union’s primary funding instrument for research and innovation, extending until 2027. With a budget of €95 billion allocated for grants and soft funding, Horizon Europe aims to foster impactful projects that address global challenges. We have created a video that delves into the overall structure, key priority areas, and essential terminology commonly used in EU projects, with a dedicated focus on the Innovation Actions. Additionally, our video provides valuable insights on building successful consortia and optimising collaborative projects to enhance your research and development capabilities.

Click the video above to learn more and reach out to discuss your options.

Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space

This video presents one topic under the Twin Green and Digital Transition and two topics under the call Resilient Value Chains:

The deadline for all three topics is already February 7, 2024.

Contact us sooner rather than later to discuss your options.

This video presents one topic under the call World Leading Data and Computing Technologies and two topics under Digital Emerging Technologies per Competitiveness and Fit for the Green Deal:

Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility

Link to source 1.

This video presents one topic under the call Cross-Sectoral Solutions for the Climate Transition and two topics under the call Sustainable, Secure and Competitive Energy Supply:

The deadline for the first topic is April 18, 2024, whereas the deadline for the last two topics is already January 16, 2024.

Contact us sooner rather than later to discuss your options.

Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment

This video presents one topic under the call Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, one topic under the call Fair, Healthy and Environmentally-Friendly Food Systems from Primary Production to Consumption and one topic under the call Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Sectors:

The deadline for all three topics is already February 22, 2024.

Contact us sooner rather than later to discuss your options.

This video presents one topic under the call Clean Environment and Zero Pollution, one topic under the call Land, Ocean and Water for Climate Action and one topic under the call Resilient, Inclusive, Healthy and Green Rural, Coastal and Urban Communities:

Want to discuss your options?