HybridGenerator x Innovayt // Innobooster and EUDP
HybridGenerator ApS (HG) is a Danish technology-based company established in 2016 and focused on providing sustainable power sourcing. Six years prior to official establishment, the founders developed the passion for producing and delivering hybrid generators that should not only be long-lasting and durable, but also cost-effective, easy to operate, and environmentally friendly. In their own words, HG states: “It is vital to us that we make a difference to our customers and that there are more advantages than disadvantages to switching to green energy and taking the next step towards the future”.Today, HG offers products suitable for various sectors, namely, wind energy, aquaculture, construction, aid and development, as well as defence.
With the help from Innovayt, HG secured funding to turn innovative ideas into actual products. In 2020, HG was granted 1.3 million DKK from the Innobooster programme to develop the HG-Box, a hybrid system control unit that enables full remote monitoring and maintenance of generators employed, for instance, offshore. Ultimately, such control unit addresses customer needs by allowing a remarkable increase in hybrid power station efficiency, robust power capacity, and high autonomy. Put differently, the HG-Box brings the hybrid system control unit to entirely new levels of performance as well as capabilities. The Innobooster grant covers a third of the total budget and allows HG to overcome various barriers in the development phases.
More recent, in June 2021, the EUDP programme granted 4.16 millon DKK to develop the HG-Wind, a green hybrid generator system based on a biodiesel engine coupled to a high-end battery technology, namely, the Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) cells technology. HG-Wind is a reliable, modular and durable equipment system with a high-end performance, suitable to offshore requirements. HG elaborates on the potential outcomes by stating: “Ultimately, the HG-Wind will secure to the fossil fuel independency of the wind energy industry, and potentially save 20M tonnes CO2 in the first year of commercialization, contributing to the decarbonization of the sector”. More detailed, the project involves optimising the HG-Wind generator technology and demonstrating its performance in real-life conditions, that is offshore wind turbines, with the support of Muehlhan Wind Service. The EUDP grant covers almost half of the total budget.
Both the Innobooster proposal and EUDP application were coordinated by Innovayt on behalf of HG.