Funding Programmes

Innovation Contracts // Innovasjonskontrakter

The Innovation Contracts scheme (Innovasjonskontrakter) is a strategic support programme offered to promote the development of new products, services, and solutions with potential for international growth. The core of the project must be R&D activities, contributing to strengthened competitiveness and providing lasting value creation in Norway. The scheme makes grants available to Norwegian small and medium sized companies (SMEs) developing new products or services in collaboration with companies representing the market, referred to as “pilot customers”.

Support is based upon a contractual cooperation between one or more pilot customer(s) and the Norwegian supplier company. The pilot customer can be a private company (foreign or Norwegian) or a public entity. Importantly, the pilot customer must significantly contribute to the project and have a specific need for the new product or service. Furthermore, the applicant must have a plan for future sales besides the pilot customer.

Funding Available

The grant will amount to a proportion of the total costs associated with the project, in accordance with the state aid rules.


The Norwegian SME submits the application for funding. Before financial support is granted, a collaboration agreement (an innovation contract) must be signed between the Norwegian company and the pilot customer.

The project must:

  • Bring forward a novel product or solution, representing innovation in its intended market and have market potential beyond the pilot customer.
  • Lead to a pre-commercial prototype. It can also include testing and follow-up of the prototype, including zero series production.


Do you need help validating your match or preparing your application?

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For more detailed information and latest updates, see the official programme website.

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