Green Platform // Grønn Plattform
The Green Platform Initiative (Grønn Plattform) provides funding for enterprises and research institutes engaged in green growth and restructuring driven by research and innovation. The aim is to stimulate greater and more rapid investments from companies in green sustainable solutions and products. This will in turn strengthen Norwegian exports and value creation as well as enable the implementation of green transition and create green growth. The initiative funds large, collaborative projects comprising the whole value chain from research and knowledge production to testing, commercialisation, and industrialisation of sustainable, green products, and services.
Funding Available
630 million NOK to be allocated in 2023, 30 to 80 million NOK in grant per project. Funding rate in accordance with the state aid rules.
Projects eligible for Grønn Plattform is characterised by:
- An aim of solving defined challenges and issues, accelerating green transformation in industries.
- Defined objectives and high ambitions for value creation and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time safeguarding or improving the state of biodiversity and environment.
- A high degree of innovation that challenges the established and introduces new ways of thinking about technology and the market.
- Ambitions for scalable results which will provide lasting value creation and increased competitiveness, as well as impact both nationally and internationally.
- A need for a variety of activities from research and technology development, through testing and verification, to implementation, scaling, and commercialisation.
- A goal of building strong value chains which requires broad collaboration across disciplines, technology areas, competence environments, industries, and sectors.
- A scope and level of ambition that entails a need for risk mitigation beyond what is covered by ordinary schemes and instruments.
Do you need help validating your match or preparing your application?
For more detailed information and latest updates, see the official programme website.