Radisurf x Innovayt // EIC Accelerator
Radisurf ApS was founded in 2015 as a spin-off from Aarhus University in Denmark. The company has identified a ground-breaking technology to bond dissimilar materials based on specifically designed polymer brushes.
Requirements put on industries to produce sustainable and circular economy-based products and solutions are ever-increasing, and traditional methods are becoming more inadequate or redundant. Lightweight materials are increasingly relevant for industries such as aerospace and the automotive sector by offering more fuel-efficient and less polluting products. In this context, the joining of lightweight materials remains a particular challenge, and there is yet no effective solution in the market due to the lack of cost-efficient, strong, and sustainable technologies.
RadiSurf has developed a unique solution – the patented RadiBond technology – that utilizes polymer brushes, chemically bonded to the base material, for ultra-strong and ultra-tight assembly of dissimilar materials under environmentally friendly conditions and competitive cost. RadiBond provides a standardised surface coating technology for metals that allows direct bonding to a broad range of thermoplastic components allowing material recycling and a sustainable production.
Innovayt has helped RadiSurf secure a grant of €1.4 million from the EIC Accelerator programme, which enables Radisurf to upscale their production and achieve successful commercialisation into the adhesive market. Radisurf CEO and Founder Mikkel Kongsfelt said:
We are extremely happy with this grant and investment which will mean a huge difference to our strategy for years to come. Innovayt’s help has been essential for matching us with the funding instrument, for detailing a Blended Finance strategy, and for implementing this strategy in a competitive funding application for the EIC Accelerator programme.